Anyone who has auction items for the March 24th, Capn’s Last Call – A Tribute event can drop them off at The Beilke Farm, N5129 Watertown Rd., Jefferson (right up the road from the old Capn’s) on Tuesday, March 13th from 4:30 – 6:30 or Sunday, March 18th from 3:00 – 5:00 at Capn’s Steakhouse, in Fort Atkinson. The committee would like to get as many of the items in advance so that promotional material, about the items, can be put together for the event. If you have items and would like to make other arrangements you can give Robin a call at (920) 988-8559, or send an email to set up a time.
Thank you so much to everyone who has donated items!! Everyones’ generosity is truly unbelievable. Together we are going to keep Randy’s spirit, of giving back, alive!