The Randy Schopen Foundation is pleased to report the following grants were awarded in September and October, 2024:


– A grant to the Jefferson 1/2 Mile ATV Club’s Fort Memorial Hospital’s mammogram voucher program, covering uninsured and underinsured to receive mammogram screenings, along with follow-up testing.


– A grant to a senior citizen widow unable to work due to illness, requested help to pay outstanding utility and dental bills.


– A grant to a disabled woman who is undergoing major surgery, requesting assistance with rent and groceries for a month while recovering.


– A $200 donation to Cub Scout Pack 147.


– A grant to a disabled, wheelchair chair bound lady, requesting help for expenses to go to Mayo Clinic.


– Several applications pending, pending verification of information submitted.


If you know of an individual or organization you would like the Randy Schopen Foundation to consider for a grant, please visit our Applications page at